Our client recognized opportunity to incorporate a new nutritional component into its products using new technical capabilities. We stepped in to help understand the consumer’s relationship with and desirability for the new ingredient, allowing us to clarify the opportunity and embark on a product pipeline-filling journey.
The Approach
We executed a five-phase approach, beginning with interactive consumer workshops to discover the overarching, higher-order emotional benefit of the ingredient.
In the DIAGNOSE phase, we analyzed and defined the business opportunity, and established the innovation brief and project landscape through our Visioneering tools.
We next immersed the cross-functional team in a variety of experiences in the DISCOVER phase that transformed our understanding of the innovation brief, and gave rise to opportunity springboards for an inspired Ideation.
Our DEVELOP phase included cross-functional team Ideation sessions, aided by creative and insight-driven stimulus. These sessions inspired over 200 strategically sound, new product and program ideas.
The POTENTIALIZE phase began with us and the client team evaluating and further developing ideas with the strongest potential, and it concluded with iterative consumer optimization sessions.
The Outcome
We provided our client with an expansive, purpose-built pipeline — strategically grounded, creatively inspired and consumer-optimized.